Going in to the Corps, just like all of you, I pictured Boot Camp to be the hardest thing I would ever go through.. and then I went to MCT and realized it wasn't.
MCT is 3 weeks long and is there to teach you basic combat skills to survive. You learn things from squad attacks and formations to living like you were in combat. You get to shoot 6 different weapons including a grenade launcher and a .50 cal. You also go on three humps. A 5k, 10k, and a 15k with an 80 lbs pack on your back. Me, weighing a 110 lbs, had some issues with that, but of coarse made it through. You sleep either on a cement floor or outside with only and iso mat and a pancho liner, not exactly warm or comfortable. If you get sleep that is. Between the late night patrols and 2 hour fire watches a night, theres not much of that going on. You learn to make good friends and quick, cuddeling with other females is okay for warmth.
We also got to dig fighting holes or "Fox Holes" There were to be 3 feet wide by your height tall. Sure I was the shortest one and thats why i was put with the tallest girl, Gotta love how that works.
Food? Whats that? Ohh an MRE: Meals Ready to Eat. At first you were kinda scared to try it but as time went on you knew that was your food so you enjoyed every minute of them! I will say the Ravoli and Sloppy Joe isnt to bad. (Which I got a hold of one and will be bringing it home in August for you all to enjoy..your welcome.)
MCT is a mixture of about 80% males and 20% females. Now you can look at that in 2 ways: The good way - you actually get to see something half good and the bad way - Guys are naturally more athletic so you had to step up or head right back to base and sit in holding which is really something you do not want. When i said you only had something half good to look at, I meant it. And us females were no better. Lets just say you average about 1 shower a week.
Through all the bad times, you learn a lot to help you survive. With the night patrols, "gun attacks", "IED's" and so on.
It was just some real training... and damn am I happy im done with it!
Marine Combat Training . . I remember the day you got back, and were able to call home. You were exhausted and so glad it was over. I cried with you on the phone. Hell - that's what it was. My girl, you made it thru and that was something!! you'll always have that accomplishment with you. It's who you are. Again, Proud mom I am. My hero. Love you baby girl. Keep it coming about your life in the corp, it's such a great story - your life. MOM
I have found you after hrs. trying keep it comeing i love it.
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