After Boot Camp and MCT, anything would seem like heaven and thats pretty close to what Pensacola was. First off, it is a naval base in Florida. I was there from May-July for what we call A-school. The course itself is three weeks long and is more book based then hands on. You learn the types of bombs, rockets, missiles, and support equipment you will be working with one day. Theres not to much to say about the actaul class but I can tell you all about my time there.
When you first arrive you are put in INDOC where you check in and learn the area and cannot change out of
cammies or green on green at all. We even went to the beach in our PT gear. PORTSIDE is the hang out on base where they have kareokee, pool, a bar, internet, pizza hut, and taco bell. While on INDOC, Bodenburg and I went there and danced in our cammies, not many were happy with that and we got kicked off the dance floor immediatly. That only started our journey. Sunday through Thursday you have a 2200 curfew then Friday and Saturdays you do not have a curfew. So during the week it was the usual wake up, class, get ready, PORTSIDE, and then the all famous DVD lounge. Big screen TV and the only place your allowed to be besides your room after 2200. Weekends we would take a taxi out to Penscola Beach, get a hotel near by and usually spend our nights at The Dock. The Dock would be my Tiki's back home. Thursday nights were field day, so when you got bored you made fun. We would cut things out of dry sponges, see who could do the most pull ups with me on their back and carry people in sea bags.
Somethings others could never understand..

In June, I had the priveldge of having Alisha and Alysa come down and spend a weekend with me and see what my life was all about. They got to experience male marines deprivation of females first hand because as soon as they walked up, every guy wanted to know who the new girls were. I got to sit back and laugh at that for a minute.
Besdies for the partyin, Pensacola was beautiful! You had a beach on base, palm trees, and all the sights that just make you smile. This would be the place I would want to be stationed if I had the choice. I made some of my
Rivera ----->
<--Josh, now the EX
Coates, I still get to see him!

you keep those blogs comming. i love seeing the pictures and remembering every time you'd call and say how crazy you guys were in FL.
Tracy , you still have that knack for writing. You make every thing sound so interesting I can't wait for more. You are enjoying your life and thats great..Grandma
Tracy-thanks for writing so much. Alisha has been so inspred now she wants a blog page of her own. but you know, it's no so easy keeping up a blog. we appreciate your efforts. even michelle has slacked off on hers.
Oh my gosh, you look so little next to Rivera. LOL. The pictures add the perfect touch to your witty descriptions. I love to read your web.
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