Forming is not something that is required or something everyone must go through but if you happen to be one of the lucky/unlucky ones you are forced.
In forming your up at 5, clean your squadbay, go to formation, chow, 4 hours to do what you want, formation, chow, 4 hours to do what you want, formation, chow, clean, sleep, and all over again. Doesnt sound to bad right.. Did I forget to say you cannot get out of cammies nor can you leave base or go in all the restricted areas they have set, yeah, your really not that free.
After Boot camp, you will go on 10 days of leave and then return to Camp gieger, North Carolina for MCT. Well unfortunetly only so many females can be sent through each cylce, therefore, 20 of us were held back a week and put into forming. Well this lil miss was not supposed to be the one being held back but I decided to go home from boot camp and die my hair half black.. I guess the Marine Corps doesn't really allow that.

I did have my girl with me though.. miss Leveque. She was the other little recruit in Boot Camp and is just like me. We did get to go bowling and we actually entered a kareokee c
ontest and sang Barbie girl.. Oh yeah.. we won! and we flirted with all the boys waiting in holding to go to the School of Infantry, pretty much caused trouble cause thats what we do best!

oh yeah - the hottest marine around in forming. Trouble - oh yeah ! that's my girl. I only wish I was your staff sargent during high school, you'd never get away with all that stuff ! LOL ! I love the way you write. I love the way you smile the best in all the pictures. You are still and always will be - my hero and my baby girl ! Love MOM
Ok how do I leave a comment after mom!! You always find a way to have fun in tough situations... make the best of all the marines has to offer and come home to your family!!! LOVE YOU GIRL!!
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