January 9 - April 7, 2007
Where Do I begin? I dont want to bore those who have heard the stories nor do I want to leave those in the dark who havent..Ill do my best.
Boot Camp: its meant to break you down to nothing and then build you back up, its meant to teach you the discipline that only a Drill Instructor (DI) can instill in you, and its meant to make the ultimate transformation from Civilian to Marine.
From the moment your off the plane, onto the bus, rushed to the yellow footprints, and pushed through recieving the butterflies never leave your stomache. You start by being up for 3 days straight and the fun continues from there. Quarter Deck (QD) Well my mouth got me a lot of time there and the pit. Definition: Push-ups, side straddle hops, running in place, and mountain climbers until you cannot lift your leg or arm again. Drill: Marching with your rifle, formations, and sitting still while bugs cover your body! Snaping in: Sitting in positions for hours on end and your body goes numb. Yelling: Spit flying at you in many directions. And thats only half of it. Sure they broke me down to the point of tears and I would have given anything to get out, but you know what, I made it and Im stronger today because of it. How many people can say they have been to a gas chamber, shot the M16 A2 Service Rifle, Repelled down towers, Got to run Obstacle and Confidence Courses, and went through the Crucible. - The time to test what you learned and push you further than ever. 54 hours with food and sleep deprivation and over 40 miles of marching. You aslo need to pass a 100 question knowledge test, three inspections, and a PFT which consists of a 3 mile run, 70 seconds of hangnig on a bar and atleast 50 crunches in 2 minutes, Combat Water Survival, and earn a tan belt in MCMAP (Marine Corps Martial Arts Program)

Love it!!! Tracy recieved so much mail...we wrote her everyday and waited by the mail box for her latest story at boot camp!!!!
I can still hear "I'm proud to be an American" play and crying to see you receive your pin!! What a day that was. Oh we are so proud of you. you earned it baby!!love mom and dad
Great summary. What was your favorite part of boot camp? Your least favorite? You're mom didn't let you play with violent toys - what did you think of the firing range?
Favorte.. Probably all the new experiences. The repell tower was awesome, i love things like that! Worst.. Swim Qual. Im a damn good swimmer but it wasnt workin out for me that day, haha. The Range was fun, new experience definitly. Never really thought about the fact I couldnt play with violent toys and look at me now.. haha
You are as bad at updating your blog as I am - hehe. Did you ever get a digital camera? What kind? (I'm planning to let you do the research, then I'll buy what you have - lol.)
We really missed you on the 4th. It really is a lake holiday, and I know you missed being there. Any leave time before Labor Day?
hey baby, i don't wanna hear about you playing with violent toys. that was always my no-no. lol. and remember how you learned to sit very still in boot?? that was soooooo challenging to you. how about eating mre's and the ravoili is actually good, especially if you are hungry enough. can't wait to hear about mct
This is great info to know.
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