Lets see, we left California at 2 pm and arrived in Maine at 9pm their time (3 hr change), Left Maine at 10 pm and arrived in Germany at 8 am their time(4 hr change), Left Germany at 9am and arrived in Kuwait at 3 pm their time (3 hr change), left Kuwait at 11 pm and arrived in Al Asad at 1230 am (no time change). Good thing I'm small and have no issues with sleeping on a plane. It was all commercial flight until Kuwait to Al Asad where we took a C17, surprisingly not to bad.
*Note- Above times and time changes may be slightly off.. It was a long couple days so don't hold me to exact details!
Here is what I learned along the way: In Maine, retired Vets take turns on posts at this military airport to welcome in and out all the Military who fly through. Germany: They have no @ key and don't make phone calls.. I thought I was being smart by making short phone calls to each person but the minimum for each is $42, lets just say $600 later, they shut my card off. Also, drinks in Germany all have a lemon flavor..not very good!! Kuwait was more civilized than Germany by a lot. We were here for only about 10 hours which consisted of unloading bags, eating chow, getting a room, reloading bags, 2 hr bus ride, and off we went!!
Here is cute story for you-When we were getting ready to leave California and they asked who would like to get on the plane first so without thinking I ran up and said I would and volunteered the other 5 girls also. Who would of thought there would be a catch because I that surly didn't cross my mind.. So after loading 192 (people) X 3 (bags) onto the plane, off again in Kuwait, back on in Kuwait and off again in Al Asad.. I realized why all those who had been on deployment before were not so quick to jump to volunteer. Positive-Good Workout!
IN Al Asad we were living in a big wooden hooch with 22 females and going through our training. From MCMAP to shooting 4 weapons to learning to search, it was pretty interesting. Then our time came and we flew out on the helo into Haditha Dam...
Another cute story- Our last night in Al Asad at about 1130 pm (pitch black outside) Jennifer (Cpl San Martin) and I decided we wanted to take along shower and shave before heading to the field. We just get in pout shampoo in our hair and soap on our body when the lights flick off and Jennifer says "Is your water pressure going down?" Sure enough it was.. The power had went out. We get out of the shower, stumble for our towels and realize we have no flashlight.. I made her grab her knife at this point. We open the door and yelled for the Marine walking by with the light (of coarse he flashed it at us as we stand their in towels), he let us borrow it and about two minutes into dumping water bottles onto our hair, it dies.. What luck. We decided to finish in the dark and walk back to our rooms and wait.. Everyone got a kick out of us..
No pictures yet because my computer has adopted a Iraqi virus and I am unable to use my computer to get online or transfer my pictures without sending the virus. I will show all when I get home tho.
Its so good to be home! The weather in California is perfect and with mom being here everything is just right! I want to thank everyone for thier support for me while I was gone. I truly missed everyone and appreciate all the things that were done. I will be posting many new blogs very soon so be on the look out...
*GoodBye For Now*
Well lets see, today is Monday January 6th and its been a long day. Not much work but I did sit through pre deployment briefs all day and also got to meet my stafff non commisioned officer in charge (SNCOIC) for my deployment. Her name is Gunnery Sergeant Fulgencio and I love her attitude. She used to be a drill instructor, so her myself and six other female marines had some fun times sharing stories today at chow.
I checked into my new unit MWHS-3 in Miramar, California on Thursday and will be here until January 18th. On January 18th, we will flying out from the Air Force base into Kuwait where we will spend one night and then continue on a C130 to Al Asaad. We will be spending two days in Al Asaad doing weapons training and then hoping onto a helo and heading to Camp Korean Village (KV) for two days for ground fighting. From there we will take a convoy up to JBCC. Truthfully, I am not sure what JBCC stands for but if I took a guess I would say Joint Batallion Command Center. We will actually be gaudring three checkpoints near JBCC which is near Rupa village and the Syria boarder.
There is Corporal out here in Miramar who will be going with me who just returned from doing the lioness prgram four months ago and went to that same location. She had some crazy stories, some I will keep to myself and share all when I get back. To make you laugh a little at me I will tell you some things such as she said to expect an average of one shower a month, share a hooch (semant floor and walls) with all of us and it is about the size of my barracks room, We will be eating MRE's that convoys bring out to us from KV, but when we are hit with mortors and the convoys are unable to make it we will be eating Iraqi bread, cheese, and lamb.. MMMM!! We also use the bathroom in a bag and then burn it..
Out there we will be attatched with a grunt unit and the ratio of guys to girls is about 25::1. For those who don't know exactly what I will be doing or what the Lioness prgram is here it goes: I will be searching Iraqi women. Simple right? Well here are some horror stories.. lets just say we "credit card swipe" them (if you dont know what that is, ask around someone should) and those who are on the rag, well they don't use tampons or pads over there. We were told the number one thing to pack is gloves! They also get nervous and pee on you..
I think I will stop there because I know you are either laughing very hard at me or freaking out and neither is good, LOL. So wish me luck because its going to be one hell of an experience! See you in April!! LOVE YOU!!
I checked into my new unit MWHS-3 in Miramar, California on Thursday and will be here until January 18th. On January 18th, we will flying out from the Air Force base into Kuwait where we will spend one night and then continue on a C130 to Al Asaad. We will be spending two days in Al Asaad doing weapons training and then hoping onto a helo and heading to Camp Korean Village (KV) for two days for ground fighting. From there we will take a convoy up to JBCC. Truthfully, I am not sure what JBCC stands for but if I took a guess I would say Joint Batallion Command Center. We will actually be gaudring three checkpoints near JBCC which is near Rupa village and the Syria boarder.
There is Corporal out here in Miramar who will be going with me who just returned from doing the lioness prgram four months ago and went to that same location. She had some crazy stories, some I will keep to myself and share all when I get back. To make you laugh a little at me I will tell you some things such as she said to expect an average of one shower a month, share a hooch (semant floor and walls) with all of us and it is about the size of my barracks room, We will be eating MRE's that convoys bring out to us from KV, but when we are hit with mortors and the convoys are unable to make it we will be eating Iraqi bread, cheese, and lamb.. MMMM!! We also use the bathroom in a bag and then burn it..
Out there we will be attatched with a grunt unit and the ratio of guys to girls is about 25::1. For those who don't know exactly what I will be doing or what the Lioness prgram is here it goes: I will be searching Iraqi women. Simple right? Well here are some horror stories.. lets just say we "credit card swipe" them (if you dont know what that is, ask around someone should) and those who are on the rag, well they don't use tampons or pads over there. We were told the number one thing to pack is gloves! They also get nervous and pee on you..
I think I will stop there because I know you are either laughing very hard at me or freaking out and neither is good, LOL. So wish me luck because its going to be one hell of an experience! See you in April!! LOVE YOU!!
Here is a visual catch up for you:

Myself, LCpl Dailey and LCpl Chaffin volunteered to wear our blues and attend the Lions VS Cardinals game
to hold the flag during the national anthem. The game was held in the new Cradinals stadium in Phoenix, AZ where the superbowl is also being held this year. I have never had so many thank you's said to me before. They actually stood up and clapped as me and two other marines walked up the bleachers in our blues. You wouldn't believe how big the flag is.. all snapped together it fills the the field!

Lions VS Cardinals Game
MC Ball 08
As I said before, our Ball this year was a lot of fun. Here are the pictures to catch you up.
I took a weekend trip out San Diego to see my friend Lisa and we spent a few hours doing some surfing Sunday morning before I drove back.
Halloween at a local bar..Jimmy D's.
I was the famous school girl!
When up in Phoenix, Matt, Dailey and I
were escorted by Ned and Sharon to a go karting track.. Yeah I lost, Dang!
Fallon, NV
I have a quick minute so here is the update of my time here in Fallon, NV..
First off, I thought Yuma was the worst place as far as all things being brown and consisted of nothing until I flew in here.. Town is about a 20 minute drive and consists of 10 casinos which are made from old Denny resturant buildings, a few gas stations/banks, and a wal mart which is their mall (I asked where the mall is, you know me)
We flew in on a five passenger plane that picked us up at the door in Yuma and dropped us off at the one in Fallon, talk about VIP! We then got our rooms which are actually in a hotel with a maid, what a good cahnge of pace! I sound a bit spoiled right..Well we are. Here I am actually doing my MOS which is building bombs and we are working directly with the Navy. Talk about being spoiled.. Back in Yuma we build bombs on the ground using all hand tools, the Navy uses all pheumatic tools and builds on assembly tables.. When we got here they told us that we should build the way we will in Iraq but of coarse we are like thats okay, lets learn your way, haha.. we are bad! The Navy is pretty fun to work with, theres always the rivalry jokes which makes it even better. Anyways, we are working just about the same hours as back in Yuma and still making our own fun at night. We go to the liberty center just about everyday to play on the internet, watch movies at the theatre inside, play pool, air hockey (I always win, thanks to the table in our basement), ping pong, and pool (which im not so good at, dang) Last weekend we went to Reno: started at the mall which didn't last long seeming i was with 6 boys, then we went to CircusCircus and finally made our way to a local strip club called Fantasy Girls, of coarse I was the only female non stripper there, good thing I am a fun girl! hehe.
Well its Friday night and we are about to get some dinner then go see American Gangster and probably drink and play cards. Sunday we are looking at going to Lake Tahoe to do some snotubing for the day (free for military) Should be a good time!
Its that time for me to go pick up the rest of the crew and head out. Did I tell you i'm driving a 12 person van? You know i'm pimpin in that!!
First off, I thought Yuma was the worst place as far as all things being brown and consisted of nothing until I flew in here.. Town is about a 20 minute drive and consists of 10 casinos which are made from old Denny resturant buildings, a few gas stations/banks, and a wal mart which is their mall (I asked where the mall is, you know me)
We flew in on a five passenger plane that picked us up at the door in Yuma and dropped us off at the one in Fallon, talk about VIP! We then got our rooms which are actually in a hotel with a maid, what a good cahnge of pace! I sound a bit spoiled right..Well we are. Here I am actually doing my MOS which is building bombs and we are working directly with the Navy. Talk about being spoiled.. Back in Yuma we build bombs on the ground using all hand tools, the Navy uses all pheumatic tools and builds on assembly tables.. When we got here they told us that we should build the way we will in Iraq but of coarse we are like thats okay, lets learn your way, haha.. we are bad! The Navy is pretty fun to work with, theres always the rivalry jokes which makes it even better. Anyways, we are working just about the same hours as back in Yuma and still making our own fun at night. We go to the liberty center just about everyday to play on the internet, watch movies at the theatre inside, play pool, air hockey (I always win, thanks to the table in our basement), ping pong, and pool (which im not so good at, dang) Last weekend we went to Reno: started at the mall which didn't last long seeming i was with 6 boys, then we went to CircusCircus and finally made our way to a local strip club called Fantasy Girls, of coarse I was the only female non stripper there, good thing I am a fun girl! hehe.
Well its Friday night and we are about to get some dinner then go see American Gangster and probably drink and play cards. Sunday we are looking at going to Lake Tahoe to do some snotubing for the day (free for military) Should be a good time!
Its that time for me to go pick up the rest of the crew and head out. Did I tell you i'm driving a 12 person van? You know i'm pimpin in that!!
Okay, Okay.. I hate blogging when I don't have any pictures and my camera is having some technical difficulties right now. No its not the user (I'm not Amy), so son't even say your jokes, hehe.
I have so many blogs just waiting for pictures like My Marine Corps Ball, Our trip to to the Lions/Cardinals game, and just a random one.. So stand by for those..
For now I will keep you updated a bit on my life..
This Monday, November 26th, I am leaving for Fallon, NV for a three week mini deployment. Our only job out there will be to build bombs (finally doing my real MOS) There will six of us from my shop and then VMA-211 (another squadron in Yuma). We have an awesome Staff non commisioned officer (SNCO) who is going with us so I know our motto will be: IF WE WORK HARD WE WILL PLAY HARD! I will have my cell phone so feel free to call and I will try my best to blog about it when I get back.
My next deployment will be 90 days long and will be a bit farther away. I actually am going to Al Assad, Iraq to do patrols and searches on Iraqi women. I will be leaving Yuma, AZ on January 3rd. Unfortunetly no cell phone this time..It's going back to boot camp style so those who enjoyed my letters will be happy with that! What a coincidence that its exactly two years from when I went to boot camp, pretty crazy!
Well thats just a quick update so ill keep in touch, Love ya!!
I have so many blogs just waiting for pictures like My Marine Corps Ball, Our trip to to the Lions/Cardinals game, and just a random one.. So stand by for those..
For now I will keep you updated a bit on my life..
This Monday, November 26th, I am leaving for Fallon, NV for a three week mini deployment. Our only job out there will be to build bombs (finally doing my real MOS) There will six of us from my shop and then VMA-211 (another squadron in Yuma). We have an awesome Staff non commisioned officer (SNCO) who is going with us so I know our motto will be: IF WE WORK HARD WE WILL PLAY HARD! I will have my cell phone so feel free to call and I will try my best to blog about it when I get back.
My next deployment will be 90 days long and will be a bit farther away. I actually am going to Al Assad, Iraq to do patrols and searches on Iraqi women. I will be leaving Yuma, AZ on January 3rd. Unfortunetly no cell phone this time..It's going back to boot camp style so those who enjoyed my letters will be happy with that! What a coincidence that its exactly two years from when I went to boot camp, pretty crazy!
Well thats just a quick update so ill keep in touch, Love ya!!

Who knew I could fall in love so quickly.. and not only with vegas.. Them boys from the Thunder down Under had me after them a bit too..

Im trying to go at a different angle then what my mom told you all about our trip..Its so hard to decide what to tell cause it was all so good..
Friday we all wore our 5 inch heels, no jackets and walked the strip for hours and did some shoppin..sometimes you have to deal with the pain to be beautiful.. you know that ladies! After that we headed out to our VIP seating at the one and only Thunder down Under.. Amy says my face was priceless when i was pulled onto the stage.. my crown must have brought me luck!

Later that night at the LAX, we ran into my sisters Niki and Paris.. We all must look like triplets seeming I got called them a numerous number of times.. I see the similiarities ;)..Unfortunetly we had to give up the spotlight to Paris..not often does that happen so I was okay with it, hehe.

Here is my note to you.. If your comin to Vegas or want to for your 21st.. hit me up cause you know im game!!
Isnt Hollister boy adorable?!
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